Have you always felt you were meant for more? Your next level is waiting - but you're not sure how to find it?
Welcome to my world... A place for those looking to step into their power. To take control over their Physical Self. Take control over their Limiting Beliefs and Patterns. To ultimately follow their 'Fuck Yes!' to live a life they love.
The Place Where The Ambitious Create Healthy, Abundant
and Thriving Lifestyles.

In my world, women and men share a common goal; they are a collective who believe they can take control and Biohack their Body and Physiology to improve their physical and mental performance and well-being. To feel like they're ageing backwards and truly love the body they're in... not just a catchy marketing phrase!
The ones who feel called to do great things without self sabotage or giving their lives away in the process. I'm not here to 'fix you' - but to empower you with my experience, programs, products and platforms so you can make moves and unlock your potential.
There Is An Undeniable Magnetism That Radiates From A Person Who
Truly Embodies Their Energy & Magic.
It's Impossible To Ignore.
Working With Me
Can Look Like:
​​» Social Media - Simply following along on my socials and being inspired!
​» Support - Joining my WOMENS ONLY Coaching Community or ALL GENDER Coaching Community to learn how to Biohack your way to ultimate Longevity & Wellbeing
» Resources - Actionable eBooks or Online Courses to gain confidence, and make moves for lasting change
» Opportunities - For those in the online space looking to create additional streams of income in the Referral & Affiliate Marketing or Wellness space.

My 'Trifecta' For Living 'Your Best Life'

» Biohacking is where it's at! You can be the cleanest eating, raw, vegan, yogi but if your cell health, metabolism, hormones, stress response, and internal framework are on fire, you'll feel EVERY bit of your biological age.
In real terms; like you're pushing shit uphill, feeling flat and frustrated in a cycle of short lived results that keep you spinning your wheels. My programs and products address this, head on.

» Secondly, my approach has always been; if you balance your body, you'll balance your hormones! Lifestyle and Energetics play a huge role here.​
In real terms; it's akin to creating a new identity. "UN-becoming" who you were. If we didn't need this work, why are there so many people perpetually stuck in their issues? The right guidance will see you start working with your body instead of against it.

» Lastly, if your mindset is off and limiting beliefs rule your thoughts, you won't be an energetic match for a thriving, abundant life (as woo woo as that sounds!). You’ll simply keep self sabotaging on repeat.
Lack in all forms will dictate and limit your decisions every day. If you're not surrounded by a forward thinking environment & open to opportunities - you will never attract a healthy, wealthy life without limits. Period!
In my opinion, and contrary to popular belief, you'll rarely have all parts of your life working perfectly (** collective sighs of relief**). As we strive to achieve our desires, it's not just the program we follow, but how we handle ourselves as we navigate the space from where we are, to where we want to be.
And I'm here to help you 'BECOME IT' like never before.
I don't just help you cast a new vision for your future - I give you tangible tools to implement it.
Reclaiming power over physical health, ageing & energy.
Power over limiting beliefs to inspire you to take life to its next level.
Healthy, Abundant, Thriving Lifestyles Start Here...
Testimonials & Reviews

Four years ago I was looking to make a change with my wellbeing, specifically my weight. I needed a long term lifestyle solution, not a quick fix, and that’s what I found.
At the time I got started on my journey I recognised right away the earning potential in the business.
That potential has developed and grown, now I help other business, like those in the beauty services industry grow their income by brand partnering with us.
Our premium products are an incredible addition to any business and the simple system we use makes for good business. I love helping others in their businesses and with their wellbeing, whatever that goal may be.

It is true when I share that this beautiful friend helped me change my whole world. In 2017 I said ‘yes’ to a program with Emma. I had watched on the sidelines for a while but when the time was right for me, I knew she would have my back.
I kicked and screamed a wee bit as I adapted to the healthy changes! Emma was my rock, my support and my person. I lost heaps of weight, regained my confidence and started my own journey to better wellbeing.
I now have an aligned vision to impact women’s health and bring more than just good nutrition to our communities, the next phase of our bigger picture ……. is underway….. exciting times ahead!

I started on one of Emma’s programs to help clear up my skin.
A beautician friend of mine who owns a spa had had great results on it and called it a gut cleanse (sorry what?!).
She also mentioned it will help shift a bit of weight – 12kg later - Winning!!
I love that with my busy lifestyle, it is easy to flood my body with quality nutrition, and I’ve been Customer since June 2015.

Working two jobs, both with high-pressure crazy deadlines, I needed a crystal clear head and energy for days. The exact opposite of how I felt! As a biochemist, the supported fasting that Emma’s program brings made a lot of sense to me. With a 30day money-back guarantee I didn’t have anything to lose by trying it.
The mental fog lifted and I was making winning judgement calls and minor miracles happen. Two weeks in and I was running when I would have been dragging myself around. My bosses noticed, and other doors started to open for me with opportunities I never would have dreamed of, or had the headspace or energy to go for. I also happened to have lost 8kg, and 10cm off my waist alone – bonus! It might sound a bit cheesy to say, but this changed my life.
Emma gave me great information and kept me motivated and focused, so I never felt like I was winging it or in it by myself. Her broad network of support really made all the difference to me.

I joined this program purely for the weight loss. I thought I had a maybe 2-3kgs to lose, I lost 9kg!!
I actually didn’t even know where that 9kg came from, but I felt amazing. The weight loss may have been why I started but it was the energy I gained as a result of flooding my body with Nutrition that had me stay.
Well, that and the Community of amazing people that all wanted to see me succeed and continually lift me up.
I'm no different to most women/mums who struggle to do something for them self, but this was hands down the best thing I’ve ever done, for me! It gave me my confidence back, a new zest for life and a passion to help other women find them self as I did. Age 53 and community member since 2014.